Dr. Luis Velasco

Full Professor


Short Bio:  

Optical Networks
In-Operation Planning
Autonomic Networking
Data Analytics
Big Data for Networking
Data Visualization
Network Slicing

He received the B.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 1989, the M.Sc. degree in Physics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 1993, the Master degree in Business Administration (MBA) from UPM in 2001, and the PhD degree from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2009.
He joined Telefonica in 1989 and was involved on the standardization (in ITU-T), procurement processes (RFI, RFP), and first office application of Telefonica's SDH transport network, including both transmission and management systems. He has a large experience in innovation and exploitation since 1995, when he founded Simedia, a SME focused on the incipient Internet market that was acquired in 2000 by a major Internet player. In 2004 he joined UPC, where currently he is a full professor at the Department of Computers Architecture (DAC) and senior researcher at the Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA).
He has co-authored more than 275 papers in peer-reviewed International Journals and Conferences, as well as two books related to Elastic Optical Networks.
He served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) from 2015 to 2021, and is currently serving as an Associate Editor of MDPI Sensors, in the Editorial Board of MDPI Telecom, and in the TPC of several international conferences as well as reviewer of international journals.
He has participated in various IST/ICT FP-6, FP-7, and H2020 European research projects such as NOBEL 2, e-Photon/ONe+, DICONET, BONE, STRONGEST, IDEALIST, GÉANT, and METRO-HAUL. He is currently involved in H2020 B5G-OPEN, HORIZON SEASON, DESIRE6G, PREDICT-6G and ALLEGRO, and UNICO5G TIMING projects, as well as in the MSCA EID projects REAL-NET and MENTOR.
He received the ICREA Academia awards in engineering sciences in 2015 and 2020.
His interests include telemetry and artificial intelligence for autonomous beyond 5G networks and services.

Contact Information
Department Computer Architecture (DAC)
Research Optical Communications Group (GCO)
Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA)
Teaching Facultat d'Informatica de Barcelona (FIB)
Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (TelecomBCN)
Office C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3.
08034 Barcelona (SPAIN)
Campus Nord - D6-107 (map)
Email lvelasco [at] ac.upc.edu
Phone +34 93 401 69 99

Research Registries:
