Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Technical University of Catalonia, 2005.
M.S. degree in Computer Science, Technical University of Catalonia, 1999. 
B.S. degree in Computer Science, Technical University of Catalonia, 1997.



Full-time associate professor at the Computer Architecture Department (DAC) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) assigned to the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB).

2003-2004 Sistemes Operatius (SO)
2004-2012 Projecte de Sistemes Operatius (PROSO)
2006-2014 Sistemes Operatius Distribuits i en Xarxa (SODX)
2012-2020 Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distributed Systems (CPDS)
2012-2020 Sistemes Distribuits en Xarxa (SDX)
2014-2017 Sistemes Operatius (SO)
2016-2020 Operating Systems (OS)


My current research work focuses on the area of Energy-aware Management for Modern Distributed Computing Systems. I'm a member of the High Performance Computing Group at the Computer Architecture Department (DAC). I'm also an associate researcher at the Emerging Technologies for Artificial Intelligence research line in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), where I lead the Energy-aware and Virtualization Technologies area. Our goal is to develop management algorithms for virtualised Data Centres in a large-scale distributed ecosystem running heterogeneous workloads that optimize their operation with respect to energy and ecological efficiency. We work on the following topics:

  • Performance analysis of Virtual Machines and Containers in a virtualised Data Centre running HPC and Big Data workloads
  • Models for the assessment and forecasting of energy and ecological efficiency in a virtualised Data Centre at different levels
  • Policies for the optimization of the scheduling and placement of Virtual Machines and Containers in physical nodes considering the energy and ecological efficiency factors
  • Policies for the selection of Data Centre for remote placement of Virtual Machines and Containers in a Data Centre ecosystem considering the energy and ecological efficiency factors
  • Integration of the cooling and power supply subsystems in the energy management strategy of Data Centres
  • Integration of renewable energy sources in the energy management strategy of Data Centres


List of students
List of involved projects
List of publications
List of conference deadlines and CFP
Last update: 19/12/2019
   Jordi Guitart

Associate Professor

Computer Architecture Department (DAC)
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

jguitart at

Associate Researcher

Autonomic Systems and eBusiness Platforms
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

jordi.guitart at

Contact: UPC, Dept. AC
Campus Nord, Mod C6 - 205
C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3. E-08034 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 405 40 47